Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal

The Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal, renamed Sociedade Portuguesa de Biologia de Plantas (SPBP) (Portuguese Society of Plant Biology) in 2019, was founded in 1977 as an affiliated Society of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica (SPB) and congregates scientists and graduate students within the area of Plant Biology, in particular, Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, and Plant Biotechnology.

The main aims of SPBP are to disseminate information on this area of science and to promote/support meetings in cooperation with other Societies of Plant Science, in particular the SPB and the Sociedad Española de Biología de Plantas (SEBP). It also welcomes thematic scientific events, such as workshops.

The SPBP and the SEBP share three working groups, the Water Relations Group, the Plant Nutrition Group, and the Post-Harvest Group.

The SPBP is affiliated with the Federation of the European Societies of Plant Biolog (FESPB) and is a founder member of the Global Plant Council (GPC) established in 2009 and of the Federação Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Biologia de Plantas (Iberoamerican Federation of Plant Biology Societies), established in 2019.

The periodic meetings where SPBP is involved are the SPB National Congress, the Spanish-Portuguese Congress of Plant Physiology, and the FESPB Congress, which take place every two years.

The Journal of Plant Physiolog is an Official journal of the Portuguese Society of Plant Biology. The publishing house Elsevier offers the possibility of personal subscription at reduced rate. The journal Plants is also an Official journal of the Portuguese Society of Plant Biology. The publisher MDPI offers reduced publication fees to PSPB members wishing to publish in Plants. The Portuguese Society of Plant Biology supports the journal Theoretical and Experimental Plant Biology .